To continually strengthen their position as a leader in the asphalt paving industry, Dillman Equipment sought to integrate Lean thinking throughout the organization. The company aimed for positive outcomes including increased capacity, improved quality and enhanced competitiveness.
Project managers from University of Wisconsin-Stout Manufacturing Outreach Center (MOC) initially worked with Dillman's senior leadership team to develop a course of action. To ensure initial buy-in and success, the company involved everyone in the process as they moved toward a sustainable culture of continuous improvement and involvement.
MOC then facilitated improvement events and change initiatives throughout the company. All work areas were improved, a company-wide workplace organization process was established, a scheduling and workflow system was developed, consistent drafting standards were put in place, and a new quality management system was implemented. Dillman continues to make operational improvements and develop stronger systems and processes.
- $6.5 million in increased sales
- 54 new jobs
- $100,000 investment in training, equipment and technology
- Improved overall cleanliness and general organization
- Increased company-wide knowledge of Lean concepts