Get the Most Out of Stout

It is time to say goodbye to high school and start your new journey at UW-Stout.
Sky Willam | October 25, 2023

College is unlike anything you've experienced. You're leaving the places and faces you've grown to know - the halls and classrooms of high school, friends and teachers you saw every day, and maybe even your hometown. The transition can take a little getting used to, but we want to make sure you get the most out of UW-Stout's polytechnic opportunities while embracing the freedom of living on your own, discovering new things, finding all the cool places on and off campus and making those lifelong friends.

Here are a few tips to help you do more throughout the journey ahead.

UW-Stout Fab Lab product creation

Get the most out of every class.

Most will tell you how important it is to go to every class, we'll take it a step further. We want you to get the most out of every class. Let's be honest...some classes will challenge you in a way you have not yet experienced, but instead of giving up, walk in with an open mind. Make it your goal to walk away with learning at least one thing every class period. The same goes for the classes you enjoy. 

You have more to learn in class than what is being taught. Get to know the people who sit near you. Start a conversation with someone new, and who knows, they could become a best friend or an amazing study partner.

Students studying on the lawn.

Find a balance...while enjoying your freedom.

In high school, you probably didn't have a lot of choices. In college, you have the freedom to create your own schedule - when you take classes, when you study and when you stay out late. But to succeed in college, you will also need discipline and rest. Create an effective schedule that balances studying, sleeping and socializing. Embrace your independence but prioritize your learning and well-being. 

If you need help creating an effective schedule that balances your priorities, read Mapping Your Day.

The Red Cedar River flows south out of Menomonie. In the background is UW-Stout’s Bowman Hall Clock Tower.

Seek out new experiences and explore.

At UW-Stout, you'll discover a wide range of opportunities across campus - different student organizations, clubs, sports teams and Blue Devil athletic events, scholastic groups and on-campus employment. There is something for everyone, but it's up to you to take the first step. Check out CONNECT to see all the different opportunities campus has to offer.

College life also exists off campus. Menomonie has many fun and diverse events that happen year-round. There is hiking on the Red Cedar State Trail, enjoying a show at the Mabel Tainter, or taking a short trip to go explore Crystal Cave. Menomonie has so much more to offer, so explore and find the places that create a home for you. 

Check out more of what Menomonie has to offer at Explore Menomonie

Students talking at a table

Create the relationships to further your future.

College is full of people from many walks of like - professors who are experts in their field, students who come from a country across the world, and maybe even a roommate with an uncle who works for NASA. Making connections for success requires reaching out and initiating conversations. While not every interaction will lead to a strong connection, taking the risk itself is a form of success that will ultimately help you find the support you need in college and beyond. 

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