Teaching Interests: SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING & LEARNING Effective visualization techniques for geoscience concepts, interests and attitudes toward geoscience topics, problem and inquiry-based content delivery methods. Hydrology. Geomorphology Soil science and mechanics Fluid and stream dynamics Optics, meteorology Planetary geology Introductory geology Sedimentology and stratigraphy Evolution and extinction Gemstones Geologic field methods Paleoecology Vertebrate and invertebrate paleontology Regional geology Climatology GIS mapping and analysis
Research Interests: EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Phosphorus sources and sink in the Red Cedar Watershed, sedimentary and fluvial history of the lower Chippewa valley, Paleozoic and Quaternary stratigraphy of the upper Mississippi valley, taphonomy and paleoecology, sequence stratigraphy, geologic mapping of western Wisconsin, terrestrial gastropod ecology and conservation, watershed hydrology and nutrient transport/storage, low-cost 3D scanning methods using the KINECT sensor system.