Martha Wallen

Dr. Martha Wallen


Phone 715-232-1257
Office 75C Harvey Hall

Directed a Plan B for the School of Education, spring 2009. Assistant Editor (translator) for French for Annals of Tourism Research, 1975 to 2007 . Translating into French abstracts of all major articles, 1975-2007. Translator and interpreter (Spanish), Wine and Food Pairing in Mallorca, Spain, January 2000, 2001, and 2003-2007. Training as court translator in Spanish for the State of Wisconsin, 2004. Completed 3-credit course (print materials and e-mail) from the University of Nevada, Reno, Basque Culture 471, September 5, 2003. Translated a book on Hmong culture from French for Bruce Pamperin, summer 2003. Spanish Minor Advisor, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 1998 to 2014 Assisted three Masters candidates from Taiwan with the English in their theses, 1990s. Seminar on Business French, Purdue University and French Cultural Services, Chicago, May 31-June 4, 1983. Personal Interests: Music, travel, literature, films in French and Spanish, photography Cooking with organic ingredients

Teaching Interests: Before I retired in 2009, I frequently represented the Foreign Language area as a faculty member in meetings of various kinds, including the departmental Personnel Committee, occasional system-wide meetings, and meetings of national associations such as the National Association of Self-Instructional Language Programs (several times), the Association of Departments of Foreign Languages (three times), and the Association of American Colleges and Universities (1997). Since arriving at Stout in 1972, I have written successful curriculum proposals for over twenty new courses in Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Japanese, and Russian.

Research Interests: Latin American short story

Professional Interests: French language