Occupational Safety & Risk Control Certificate

The Occupational Safety & Risk Control Certificate is a credential for non-degree seeking students.
Degree Type Certificate
CAREERS AND SALARY Certificate Outcomes
Delivery On Campus or Online

The Occupational Safety & Risk Control Certificate is designed for individuals who desire to enhance their abilities to protect an organization’s people, property, legal and environmental assets. Government and consensus standards, workplace design concepts, formal risk assessment techniques and risk/hazard identification and control strategies will be emphasized throughout the certification coursework.


Undergraduate Certificate Requirements

View program plans, credit requirements and course descriptions.


Undergraduate Special Student Application Process

For individuals who are interested in completing 300 and 400-level undergraduate courses for the Occupational Safety & Risk Control Certificate, please complete the UW System Application (note that there is not a need to declare a major, pay the application fee, submit transcripts, or provide an ACT/SAT score).


Graduate Certificate Requirements

View program plans, credit requirements and course descriptions.


Graduate Special Student Application Process

The following application requirements exist for individuals who are interested in completing 500 and 600-level courses for the Occupational Safety and Risk Control certificate and possible advancement into the M.S. Risk Control and Safety Management degree:

Occupational Safety & Risk Control Certificate Courses

The Occupational Safety & Risk Control Certificate is a freestanding credential for non-degree seeking students. The certificate program will require the respective students to complete a minimum of four on-campus / synchronously / asynchronously delivered risk control and safety management program courses that are offered during the fall, spring and/or summer terms.

Fall Semester CoursesSpring Semester Courses

Principles of Occupational Risk Control/Safety* (RC-381/581, 3 Credits)

Occupational Safety & Health Standards* (RC-383/583, 3 Credits)

Human Factors Engineering/Ergonomics* (RC-387/587, 3 Credits)

Construction Safety (On Campus Only) (RC-388/588, 3 Credits)

Process Hazard Management* (RC-426/626, 3 Credits)

Principles of Occupational Risk Control/Safety* (RC-381/581, 3 Credits)

Construction Safety (On Campus Only) (RC-388/588, 3 Credits)

Emergency Preparedness & Response* (RC-395/595, 3 Credits)

Environmental Protection & Sustainability Management* (RC-440/640, 3 Credits)

* Students may participate in this course on-campus, virtually via Microsoft Teams or by watching the recorded class lectures through the Canvas instructional system

Request Information

Certificate Learning Outcomes

Following are the student learning objectives for the Occupational Safety and Risk Control undergraduate and graduate-level certificates:

  • Utilize data collection and analysis strategies to assist with the anticipation as well as identification of moderate to high-risk situations which are worthy of additional study and potential control.
  • Analyze physiological factors, job tasks and workstation design with effective workplace assessment tools in order to quantify the various types and extent of risks that are present.
  • Apply knowledge of management of change strategies, common workplace hazards, risk measurement techniques and hazard hierarchy of control measures to promote an organization’s risk-reduction efforts.
  • Consult with management and hourly employees as well as applicable stakeholders in order prioritize the control of elevated people, equipment, property, environmental risks.
  • Develop and implement agreed-upon workplace risk-reduction methods which meet local, state and/or federal regulations/standards as well as best management practices.