I have worked in the Tourism Industry for over 30+ years and devoted my studies to this area. My own Hero's Journey has taken me to more than 44 of the continental United States, Germany and I have lived in Scotland for six and half years.
Teaching Interests: I believe that learning, education is about gaining insight into past/present knowledge but, also, about gaining confidence to use information in your own daily lives to achieve professional/personal goals and aims. I believe we seek understanding to develop a particular lifestyle that benefits ourselves as well as others. I believe that anything is an achievement, even a degree or complete failure. We must, as individuals, see the good in any situation and capitalize on the knowledge.
Research Interests: My research interests are focused in the field of tourism, technology and relationship management. They include marketing, branding, e-Marketing, e-Branding, e-Tourism, value chain management, and consumer behavior. These interests extend to Internet/WWW development for hospitality/service sectors, especially small firms, and entrepreneurs; Social marketing and media; database management and profit analysis, industry and consumer relationship building, cultural power promotion, training and development through e-Learning, virtual environment development and reflective practice.