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Earn credit for your Cooperative Education & Internship experiential learning experience!
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Start the course enrollment process by reporting your position in the CEIP portal.
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Co-op & Internship Program Benefits

  • Springboard your professional career while in college, preparing you for your career
  • Develop career readiness skills in the workplace by working in professional positions with job duties and projects related to your area of study
  • Gain confidence in your skills and abilities in your area of study
  • Graduate from college and enter the workplace as a critical thinker, globally aware, confident, and self-directed learner
  • Build a stronger resume with industry-related work experience
  • Students who enroll are often fully prepared to engage in, contribute to, and become leaders in the global workforce
  • Improve your employability and increase the odds of landing a position prior to graduation

Course Framework

The following table explains the Co-op & Internship Program Framework/Requirements for each course track.




Work experience is at least 8 weeks and students enroll in Fall, Spring, and/or Summer terms 

Students do major-related work within the guidelines of their Academic Program

Earn 1 credit per term - course enrollment must be concurrent with work experience

Students work in positions located on-campus, off-campus, in-state, out-of-state, and internationally

Paid (W-2 only)


Unpaid & Paid (i.e. W-2, 10-99, Stipend)

32 hrs per week / 320+ hrs per term


Weekly hrs vary / 80+ hrs per term

Full-time student status awarded


Student status determined by enrolled credits

Enrollment Process

Enrollment is 100% virtual via the Co-op & Internship Portal!

Decorative ImageDecorative ImageDecorative ImageDecorative ImageDecorative Image
Report your position on Co-op & Internship PortalVerify Position Details Complete Online Co-op & Internship OrientationComplete Online Application & Obtain Faculty ApprovalMake it Official! Career Services will enroll you in Access Stout
This internship bridged the gap between academia and industry. I am career-ready.
Sadhana Thokachichu

Frequently Asked Questions

Program Basics

How do I search for a Co-op or Internship position?

First, develop an effective resume and cover letter. Then, expand your job search strategies by utilizing our employment guide, meeting with a Career Coach, and utilizing the resources on our Stout Cloud website. You can also search for co-op and internship positions for your major in Handshake. Also, consider attending Career Conference and other on-campus recruitment and networking events.

Where will I be working?

This is up to you! You should apply for positions in areas you are interested in living. We have students working on campus, in-state, out-of-state, and internationally. Students working outside of the USA will complete all required enrollment steps and will also collaborate with the Office of International Education to complete the Study Abroad enrollment/application process.  **International students returning home to work will be exempt from study abroad requirements**

Do I have to work at one of UW-Stout's partner employers?

No! UW-Stout partners with nearly 600 employers annually. Our amazing students have helped build this amazing network. You are welcome to explore jobs with any employer. If you are looking to self-generate a position, simply have your employer check out our employer information.

How long is a co-op or internship?

All positions need to be a minimum of 8 weeks. However, positions will vary in length with many positions being one semester and/or summer in length. Some employers prefer two-term positions: January through August, or May through December.

Am I eligible for the Co-op & Internship Program?

Students eligible for the program will have:

  • Completed a minimum of one semester of full-time coursework at UW-Stout (12 Credits)
  • Be enrolled in an academic undergraduate major or graduate program
  • Be in good academic standing (2.0 GPA or higher)
Do students work full-time & take classes at the same time?

Students enrolled in our Co-op courses will be working full-time (32 hours per week or more), therefore it is rare to enroll in additional coursework. However, students enrolled in our Field Experience courses often work part-time allowing them to enroll in additional courses.

Will I be required to participate?

Our Co-op and Internship Program is the cornerstone for many UW-Stout programs. Most students participate in CEIP and several programs require it for graduation. Learn more about our academic programs here.

Do all positions on Handshake qualify?

No. You will find a wide variety of positions on Handshake. Positions must meet the CEIP framework found here. Students seeking credit for their work experience must keep these program requirements in mind when applying for positions. 

Can I work for a start-up company?

Yes. A legitimate employer partner, including a start-up/entrepreneurial, is defined as an operating business that has progressed sufficiently in their business development process so that they can provide:

  1. Business Name & Address
  2. Company website or verifiable web presence
  3. Identify a key contact with e-mail address
  4. Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) and State EIN (when required by the State)
  5. Proper Licenses and Permits to operate (local and state level)
  6. Provide supervision of student by a professional with experience


How do I register for a Co-op or Internship position?

Report your position to Career Services through the Co-op & Internship Portal prior to beginning your work experience. Career Services staff will assist you through the registration process and ultimately enroll you into the co-op or field experience course.

How many credits will I take & what's the tuition cost?

Credits earned per term vary depending on the length of the position, program requirements, and intensity of experience. Prior to registering, students will meet with their professor regarding credit requirements. Tuition is charged like all other academic courses using the per credit fee schedule.

Will I earn a grade?

Yes! Both the university and the site supervisor evaluate the Co-op and Internship students. Your professor will assign written reports and/or other assignments to be completed during your work experience. Our office will send your site supervisor two performance evaluations to be completed during your work experience. Your professor will issue a grade.

Will I be considered a full-time student?

To be considered for full-time student status, students must be enrolled in Co-op courses which requires paid employment at a minimum of 32 hours per week. Students enrolled in Field Experience courses will not be considered for full-time student status via the Co-op and Internship Program.

Will I still be able to access financial aid?

Co-op students who work 32 hours a week or more will have access to Financial Aid if eligible. Other students interested in accessing financial aid should contact the Financial Aid office to determine what aid may be available to them. The Financial Aid office is located in 210 Bowman Hall or at / 715-232-1363

Will I be able to keep my laptop?

Yes. Students who are registered for a co-op or field experience course can keep their laptop. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Joan Wahl in 105 Sorenson Hall or / 715-232-2649

What do I do about housing?

Students must plan to avoid conflicts with on-campus or off-campus rental contracts. Housing and living expenses are the responsibility of the student. Some employers assist with locating housing and/or housing/relocation expenses. Issues with UW-Stout housing contracts should be discussed with the Housing Office in 170 Price Commons or at / 715-232-1121

On the Job

What kind of work will I be doing?

As part of the Co-op and Internship Program, your position will need to be related to your major. Students are encouraged to apply for positions that pique their interests or that advance their career goals.

Will I be paid? How much money will I make?

Again, this is up to you. If you are interested in earning money during this work experience, be sure to apply for PAID positions. Learn what other students earn on average here.

Will I be able to take vacation/breaks?

Be prepared to work the entire position from start date to end date. Before accepting the job be sure to ask about the daily schedule, expected start date/end date, and possible days off. If you have a previous commitment (i.e. family wedding) be sure to communicate that scheduling issue upfront so the employer is aware of the issue.

Will I have a boss?

Yes. You will have a supervisor that will ultimately be responsible for you and the work you complete.

Will I be the only intern?

Maybe. Some companies hire multiple interns while others may only hire one at a time. If being around other students is important to you, be sure to ask questions during the hiring process.

What If...

What if I have previous work experience? Can I get credit?

No. You cannot receive credit for previous work experience through the Cooperative Education and Internship Program. We can only award credit to students working during the time of their enrollment. If you are interested in earning credit for a previous work experience, talk with your Program Director about Prior Learning Credit.

What if this extends my graduation timeline?

Program directors or your professor must be included in all phases of planning and completing the work experience to ensure that program requirements are met. Lengthy or multiple work experiences usually extend the time required to earn a four-year degree. The extended time is more than often offset given the experience provides a competitive edge in the job market.

What if I don't find a position?

There are a large number of co-op and internship positions available to students and the Career Services staff will work closely with students to help them secure a position. However, in rare cases, due to market conditions, economic circumstances or other factors, a student may not land a position in a given semester. In that case and depending on their field of study and program, they may return to classes and begin the process of applying for positions for upcoming semesters.

What if I'm a student athlete?

Student athletes are often highly desirable candidates for our employers. Your strong work ethic and extensive experience working in teams makes you a highly desirable candidate. Many of our student athletes participate in this program each semester. You may want to consider finding positions during your sport's off season.

What if I don't have a car?

It will be essential for you to find a position within walking/biking distance of your residence, utilize public transportation, or employ private transportation services (i.e.. Taxi, Uber).


What if I'm an international student?

Degree seeking international students (F-1 Visa) are eligible to participate in the Co-op and Internship Program. While working, international students will be using Curricular Practical Training (CPT); CPT is available to F-1 students who have been enrolled on a full-time basis for at least nine months.

Specific to International Students:

  • Complete the Co-op and Internship enrollment process as shown above
  • Career Services will work closely with the OIE to secure the CPT approval necessary to begin your work experience which will result in an updated I-20 showing your place of employment. Your employer will need a copy of your updated 1-20.
  • Dates of employment will need to occur during the academic semester (align your start and end date with the academic term).
UW-Stout employer and student handshake

Historical Employers

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Career Services Resume Review

Annual Report

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CEIP Student of the Year Awards 2024

Student of the Year Awards

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