University of Wisconsin - Stout Online Professional Development is designed to provide a highly interactive, collaborative learning environment including small student to faculty ratios that require students to actively and effectively collaborate in class discussions and participate with respect and understanding for diverse points of view.
Students are expected to:
- Acknowledge and demonstrate respect for the personal and professional growth of oneself and others in verbal and written interactions with faculty, peers, and university staff.
- Assess one's own and others' interpersonal strengths and weaknesses by constructively utilizing and providing feedback.
- Recognize one's own personal and professional values and the personal and professional values of others in the class.
- Demonstrate self-reliance and self-direction in setting and completing individual and group learning goals and objectives.
- Demonstrate respect for faculty, peers, and staff regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious, moral, or political beliefs.
- Acknowledge that conflicts and the resolution of conflicts, between individuals and among groups, are integral to the collaborative learning process, and demonstrate responsibility for resolving these conflicts while maintaining respect for all individuals involved.
- Accept responsibility for working collaboratively in the learning process and for the achievement of the learning outcomes linked to group performance.
- Maintain confidentiality and acknowledge individual privacy in the communication of personal or professional information about one's employer, other students, or their employers.
- Maintain the highest ethical standards in the preparation and submission of assignments. Intentionally using unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic assignment or representing the words or ideas of another as one's own in an academic exercise will follow the University Student Academic Misconduct / Disciplinary Procedures.
- Observe the University Harassment Policy and avoid creating a hostile or offensive learning environment that hinders or interferes with any student or faculty member.
Actions, verbal statements, and written statements that threaten or violate the personal safety of any faculty, staff, or student, or any conduct which interferes with the educational process or institutional functions will be referred to the Department of Teaching, Learning and Leadership Coordinating Chair.